War Babies. a Novel by Frederick Busch

War Babies. a Novel by Frederick Busch

Regular price $15.50 Sale

A short but powerful tale weaving together moral complexity and romantic intrigue, Frederick Busch’s War Babies is the story of an American lawyer in his mid-thirties (Peter Santore) who travels to England in an attempt to tie up the loose ends of his own dark past. Peter’s father, a prisoner who turned traitor in a Korean War POW camp, might have had something to do with a fellow captive’s death, the father of one Hilary Pennels––now a woman Peter’s age who lives in Salisbury. When Peter and Hilary meet, they both want information from the other, and more, and find themselves engaged in a wary dance of attraction laced with mistrust. But it may be a third person, the sole remaining survivor of the camp––a Mr. Fox––who holds the key to the mystery of betrayal that haunts Peter and Hilary alike. This 1989 New Directions Hardcover is in very good condition. Dj very good.

ISBN: 9780811211031 SKU: 1551769 Note: Any image shown is from a stock photo and is not the actual book.